Sunday, February 28, 2016

Show, don't tell.

If you are a creative writing, English lit, or theatre student, then you are probably familiar with the concept of "show, don't tell." The basic premise being that when telling a story, don't lecture to your audience, don't treat them as stupid by explaining everything to them. Just let the story speak for itself, and let them figure it out for themselves. An idea that Hollywood has seemed to have forsaken for the most part. Yet in those rare instances a screenplay that doesn't forget this cardinal rule makes it through the cracks; many people complain that they just don't understand it in online reviews. I see this phenomenon most often when reading reviews of independent films, where you most often still experience classic storytelling. On more than one instance, I have seen reviewers write blanket statements like "All independent films are completely incomprehensible." Never in any of these specific instances have I ever thought it to be true. The screenwriters simply trusted the audience to discern it for themselves, just not everyone in the audience was up to the challenge of looking beyond the surface. Which makes me wonder, have we, by treating the movie going public as simple, actually made it true. 

I bring this up because I must ask the question, has the  church made the same mistake of telling, rather than showing. Do some church leaders not trust its people enough to discern the full depth of the word for themselves, much like Hollywood has. The Bible shows more than it tells in many ways. For example, Jesus' parables, they reveal a truth rather than tell outright. Yet, theologians often spend their careers turning the richness of scripture into a cold systemic checklist, much like the Pharisees did. Pastors spend their Sundays explaining what God has revealed to us, rather than showing their church the way towards uncovering it on their own. Leaving many in the church, unwilling and unable to explore truth for themselves. Destroying the wonder of God’s word, and the joy of discovering the beauty of it for ourselves. 

Much like the teenager who must work for the money to buy their first car, versus the kid who just has it handed to him. Who appreciates it more? Who takes better care of it? Who treats it with more respect? Are knowledge, truth, and understanding any different?

Think about that before you teach your next lesson. Look closer before you ask, explain this to me. Ask yourself, are you just another person who wants it just handed to him, rather than engage the adventure of seeking it for yourself.

A person trying to communicate through art rather than words
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Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Enter the Wound Challenge

I've been reading the works of John Eldredge lately, one concept that he talks about that struck me is "entering the wound." Weather we are consciously aware of it or not, our emotional and spiritual wounds have a way of defining us; since they set the course for our entire lives. I say that because our wounds affect the way we perceive ourselves, as well as how we treat others. So much of what we do is an attempt to cater to our wounds. To cover up the sting of them, or to protect them from being reopened. So many of the sins we can never seem to overcome all come back to this, since we are merely addressing a symptom of a larger problem. One that we would just assume avoid, since healing often comes very painfully. 

Just imagine if we truly approached sin as a brokenness to heal, rather than an evil to eliminate, or a mere conduct to change, it could completely alter our pursuit of righteousness. Which would inevitably lead to greater understanding in our spiritual walk. As opposed to the futility of dealing with things legalistically in the strength of our own flesh, as many others over the last few thousand years have tried and failed repeatedly. Which often leads to people trying to fake it, if not just give up. In the end, whitewashing our wounds does not make us anymore holy than washing our hands does.

It would also lead us to react to the sin of others quite differently as well. When we consider the wounds behind people's behavior, it is only then do we really see the person and the hurt they must deal with, rather than just the surface sin that glares at us. Only then can we love the person as God loved us through the struggle, rather than hate the sin as a means of forced submission. A sinful action in itself that we rationalize because we lack the maturity, understanding, and Christ-likeness of heart that comes from allowing God to transform your broken heart.

For many it's far easier to just cater to our scars with hidden sin, rather than go through the uncomfortable process of facing them. Even if there are many lingering symptoms and side effects from avoiding the problem. Since familiar problems often seem more tolerable than unfamiliar long term solutions. 

As easy as it may sound, we can often make it difficult. Frequently we are not self-aware enough, to even know what to bring before God. The thing is we don't have to be, we just need to be brave enough to allow God to "enter our wounds" and face what he reveals to us. Only then can we take steps towards true healing and break the bondage that our scars hold us under. 

What about you? Are you up to the enter the wound challenge?

For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them. -Matthew 15:19-20
Jesus holding a magnifying glass over a man's wounded heart
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